AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: devops

Run an Active-Passive, multi region API using Aurora RDS Global Cluster

Increasingly enterprises and customers run and manage applications at a global scale that need to be resilient and highly available. In order to deliver the best possible experience to their end consumers, these applications need to safeguard against risks of service disruptions and downtime. Risks due to service downtime, due to natural disasters, hardware failures, […]

Virus scan S3 buckets with a serverless ClamAV based CDK construct

Edit: March 10th 2022 – Updated post to use AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) v2. Protecting systems from malware is an essential part of a systems protection strategy. It is important to both scan binaries and other files before introducing them into your system boundary and appropriately respond to potential threats in accordance to your […]

Testing infrastructure with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) allows you to describe your application’s infrastructure using a general-purpose programming language, such as TypeScript, JavaScript or Python. This opens up familiar avenues for working with your infrastructure, such as using your favorite IDE, getting the benefit of autocomplete, creating abstractions in a familiar way, distributing them using your […]

Provision an Amazon EC2 Instance with PHP

Amazon EC2 is a powerful AWS service that includes the ability to provision on-demand servers. While you can easily do this through the AWS Management Console, in this post, I want show you how to use the AWS SDK for PHP to do it programmatically by interacting with the Amazon EC2 API. Let’s create a […]