AWS Developer Tools Blog

AWS at PHP Conferences in Spring 2014

This spring, I’ll be traveling to Dallas and New York City to represent the AWS SDK for PHP team and be with fellow PHP developers. I hope to see you too!

In late April, I’ll be going to Dallas for Lone Star PHP! I have two talks that I’ll be sharing there: Recursion: Making Big Problems Smaller and Surviving and Thriving in Technical Interviews. I will not be speaking specifically about AWS or the AWS SDK for PHP at Lone Star, but if you want to chat with me about AWS, then definitely come find me. Looking at the other speakers that are going to be there, I can tell this will be a really great conference.

I have another great opportunity in May to speak at Laracon in New York City, a conference for developers (i.e., “artisans”) using the Laravel Framework. My talk is titled AWS for Artisans, and I’ll be talking about the services that AWS provides and the ways Laravel artisans can use AWS. I’ll also showcase some of the integrations that exist between the Laravel Framework and the AWS SDK for PHP, including the AWS Service Provider for Laravel 4 and the Laravel Queue component’s Amazon SQS driver.

I look forward to meeting new people and seeing old friends at both of these conferences. Make sure to come introduce yourself if you see me there. If you haven’t bought tickets for either of these events yet, there is still time. Do it!