AWS Security Blog

Tag: Cross-account access

AWS CloudTrail Now Tracks Cross-Account Activity to Its Origin

You can use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and AWS Security Token Service (STS) to set up cross-account access between AWS accounts. When you assume an IAM role in another AWS account to obtain cross-account access to services and resources in that account, AWS CloudTrail logs the cross-account activity. Starting today, CloudTrail logs […]

How to Use a Single IAM User to Easily Access All Your Accounts by Using the AWS CLI

Many AWS customers keep their environments separated from each other: development resources do not interact with production, and vice versa. One way to achieve this separation is by using multiple AWS accounts. Though this approach does help with resource isolation, it can increase your user management because each AWS account can have its own AWS […]

Share Custom Encryption Keys More Securely Between Accounts by Using AWS Key Management Service

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create, control, rotate, and use your encryption keys in your applications. KMS allows you to create custom keys that other AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles in your AWS account can use. You can also enable […]

How to Enable Cross-Account Access to the AWS Management Console

July 26, 2017, update: We recommend that you use cross-account access by switching roles in the AWS Management Console. Also see the related documentation: Switching to a Role (AWS Management Console). Last December we described how you can delegate access to your AWS account using IAM roles. Using IAM roles, you can take advantage of […]