Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) is a must-have whenever sensitive data is moved to and from a website. For example, sites that need to meet compliance requirements such as PCI-DSS, FedRAMP, and HIPAA make extensive use of SSL/TLS. Unfortunately, provisioning and managing SSL/TLS certificates can entail a lot of work that is usually manual and not easily automated.
Launched today, AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is designed to simplify and automate many of the tasks traditionally associated with provisioning and managing SSL/TLS certificates. ACM takes care of the complexity surrounding the provisioning, deployment, and renewal of digital certificates—all at no extra cost!
ACM will allow you to start using SSL/TLS in a matter of minutes. After you request a certificate, you can deploy it to your Elastic Load Balancing load balancers and your Amazon CloudFront distributions with a couple of clicks. After that, ACM will take care of the periodic renewals without any action on your part.
– Craig