AWS DevOps & Developer Productivity Blog
Monitor Website Latency using CloudWatch Logs CLI Plugin
With CloudWatch Logs, you can monitor your systems and applications in near real-time using your existing log files in just a few quick steps. The CloudWatch Logs console and agent can also help you quickly generate CloudWatch Metrics, CloudWatch Alarms, and invoke CloudWatch Actions based on log events.
In this post we’ll demonstrate how to monitor website latency using CloudWatch Logs, a small python script and a powerful command line tool that plugs into the AWS CLI in three steps. To follow along, you’ll need to have a Linux server with Pip and Python version 2.6 or greater installed.
1. Installing the CloudWatch Logs AWS CLI Plugin
To get started, first, you need to install the CloudWatch Logs AWS CLI plugin on a server or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance with Python by running the following commands:
sudo pip install –upgrade
aws configure set plugins.cwlogs cwlogs
2. Setup the Website Latency Monitoring Script
We’re going to use a short Python script that we’ll call
. This tool does a basic GET request on a website and afterwards records the response latency to a log. If any errors are found in a JSON document, it prints that document to a standard output:
import urllib2
import time
import json
import sys
request = urllib2.Request(‘’)
while True:
start = time.time()
result = {}
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
result[‘code’] = response.code
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
result[‘code’] = e.code
result[‘reason’] = e.reason
result[‘elapsed’] = time.time()-start
print json.dumps(result)
In the final step, we’ll send the log data from the Python script to CloudWatch Logs. We’ll need to choose a Log Group name (“latencies” in this example) and a log stream (“cloudwatch”.) :
python | aws logs push –log-group-name latencies –log-stream-name cloudwatch |
The push plugin sends your entries every five seconds to be stored in the CloudWatch logs log group “latencies” in the log stream “cloudwatch”
Now in a different terminal, let’s do the pull command:
aws logs pull –follow –log-group latencies –log-stream-name cloudwatch |
Every few seconds you’ll see log events streaming to your command line. You can also pipe this output through grep and script it in your tool chain. Another powerful use of the pull command is to allow your DevOps to monitor logs from your infrastructure without actually logging into the remote hosts.
To learn more about concepts in this post, you can click on these links to learn more about CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Metrics, CloudWatch Alarms, and CloudWatch Actions.